The origins of Salsiccia di Calabria can be found in the history of charcuterie production in Calabria, most likely dating back to the period of Magna Grecia. The first documentation on the processing of pig meat can be found in a text from 1691, Della Calabria Illustrata, in which Padre Giovanni Fiore da Cropani cited that among the salted meats were those transformed “into Lards, Sausages, Brawn and similar”. Later on, (1806- 1815), the Statistica Murattiana registered sausage production, documenting the “preference for salted pork, which is produced in Calabria. Salt and pepper are generally what people choose to spoil this sought-after delicacy”. In the third section, dedicated to the “subsistence and conservation of populations”, pork is indicted as being “the only meat that is salted in every district”. Over time, Calabria has remained one of the few regions where the pork culture is still deeply rooted.